The fabulous mission of the crazy ESA MoonDotShip

Article in German language

It’s about time for the first crewed Lunar landing of the European Space Agency ESA. Oh, wait – what? This is a developing story in the alternative #MoonDot universe, where ESA has taken the lead in space exploration. It could happen in the humanoid universe you know, too, IMHO.

#MoonDotShip #Crew1: Mini astros Luca. P.(ESA), Jeanette E. (NASA), Mats M. & Commander Altaira (both from ESA)

The mission will be huge. Four (4!) mini astronauts will land on the surface of the Moon in early February: @JrAstroJeanette E. from NASA will pilot the huge Lunar lander called #MoonDotShip. The remaining three astronauts are from ESA: @MiniAstro_Mats Maurer is the Exploration Commander, @MiniAstro_Luca P. is Mission Specialist, and the fabulous @JrAstronautin Altaira is the Commander of the entire crazy bunch. Woohoo!

The fabulous MoonDotShip during the loading process

The huge Lunar Lander called #MoonDotShip was inspired by the SpaceX Starship Moon lander for NASA. It’s a Europeanized version of the lander. It was shrinked to reasonable dimensions: 8.37 m in diameter instead of 9 m, and it was shortened, too. It has only half of the mass of the SpaceX lander. Due to that is was easy to find a launcher for it: SLS from NASA. Not sure if Elon Musk likes that, but well …

The SLS launcher with the MoonDotShip Lunar Lander on top

The SLS will launch MoonDotShip into an Earth orbit. The European Prometheus engines of MoonDotShip will shape the initial orbit to a very elliptical one. An additional push towards the Moon will be provided by a powerhouse Centaur upper stage launched by an ULA Vulcan rocket. Really cool stuff, right?

The Vulcan Centaur launcher and the Ariane 6-4 BA with the Orion spaceship on top

MoonDotShip will enter a Lunar orbit soon after. MoonDotShip Crew 1 will follow in an Orion spaceship launched by a very special Ariane 6 launcher version: the powerful Ariane 6-4 BA. Orion will dock to MoonDotShip, and the crew will enter MoonDotShip. Undocking occurs, and here we go to the Moon for landing …

On the way back to Earth MoonDotShip will stop at the mini gateway called MoonDotStation. The crew will change to the Orion spaceship and start to fly back towards Earth. What an incredible mission plan, right? I am so super excited for the MoonDotShip crew: I would do anything for joining them, but well …

All the best for MoonDotShip Crew 1 and their mission. I will be watching for sure! Please join me in following their fabulous space adventures.

Yours truly,
